The love revolution! Full moon in Aquarius 18th August



Full moon in Aquarius 18th August 2016 (9:28 a.m. UT) 26 degrees

The love revolution!

This full moon in Aquarius is on the edge of an eclipse as well as taking part in a rare Yod or “Finger of God” constellation.

It is the beginning of an eclipse cycle that is ushering us into a new and transformative life-changing phase at immense speed, taking us to our next evolutionary level by the end of September 2016.

The next and strongest eclipse is on the 1st September and will culminate at the last eclipse on the 16th September.

The focal point of this full moon is the rare “Finger of God” constellation. A finger of God shows a special life transforming mission.

We are presently in the midst of a karmic mission on both a collective and personal level.

With the Full Moon, Uranus and Mercury taking part in the formation. Mercury is at the top with Jupiter and Venus on either side, while the Moon and Uranus form the base. It looks rather like a pyramid.

The energies of the Full Moon and the ruler of the Full Moon the planet Uranus, are pushing forcefully and powerfully for release through Mercury at the top, which is conjoined by Jupiter and Venus.

Mercury rules our rational mind and communication; Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness, truth seeking and bringer of joy and fortune. Venus is the planet of love and harmony.

Both the new moon in humanitarian, free-thinking and free-spirited Aquarius and the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus the revolutionary bringer of change, are taking part in the finger of God constellation as well as positively aspecting the Sun in Leo.

And together With Venus who is the closest planet to the north node of fate,

the collective karmic, overall message for Mankind, is loud and clear:

This is a revolution of love!

We have a chance to revolutionise the way we think, live and love. With Jupiter in opposition to Chiron promising a rare chance to heal past hurts into happiness,joy and abundance.

The Moon in humanitarian Aquarius is heralding in a new phase. A chance for mankind to heal collectively and to find new and innovative ways to heal social injustices and bring in a new and fairer social order for many and not just a few.

With the planet of communication at the focal point of the yod, the voices will become louder and clearer.

Together with Jupiter, Venus and Chiron our capacity to love and empathise is being expanded. With truth being the basis on which all else is built. Jupiter in opposition to Chiron is giving us the chance to heal past wounds within ourselves and in our relationships, to become the wise wounded healer. Infusing optimism, joy and hope into our lives and the lives of others.

We are no longer prepared to settle for less than we know we deserve.

We will see an ever bigger and growing movement of people coming together to make a difference, becoming part of the love and healing movement.

The loud and clear message of the full moon in Aquarius as well as Uranus the ruler of Aquarius that is in aspect to the next two eclipses, is that we are being ushered in a new phase for humanity. In preparation for the intensifying of the Aquarian age in 2020, when first Saturn enters Aquarius and then Pluto and will stay in  Aquarius until 2044.

We are beginning to see a more innovative, far-reaching vision for a better world and for Mankind.

On a personal level, a pivotal change and major shift in awareness towards your relationships and love can take place now and in the coming weeks.

A change that will set the stage and foundation for better and happier relationships. To yourself (self-love) and others.

Venus is conjunct the north node of fate.This aspect can bring new people and loves into your life as well as stepping up the happiness and commitment level of present relationships.

After having learnt so much about how we live in delusion and fear, with a lack of real commitment to our ideas and perception of love, as well as towards our creative talents and passions in life.(Neptune in opposition to Venus conjunct south node, square Saturn)

We are ready now, to evolve to a higher level of awareness in our relationships as well as to ourselves.

Pluto trine Venus is giving us the passion, confidence as well as strength and determination to turn our dreams into reality.

Passions and desires are running high and Pluto trine Venus and the nodes of fate, make “fated” attractions and “soul mate” connections possible this week.
As well as the ever stronger realisation, that the one you are with, is indeed your “soul mate”, helping to further deepen your bond and commitment.

We are being pushed to evolve and out of our comfort zones by the Mars- Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius square Neptune.

Venus in Virgo now emerging out of the Saturn-Neptune square, has helped us reassess our critical, perfectionistic ideals (Neptune) that have blinded us to our beauty within. Quite possibly the one we have been searching for is already standing right before our very eyes.

The Sun in Leo is making a positive trine to Uranus. We feel the evolutionary urge to embrace change. We can feel inspired and creative and have a heightened sense of our own special uniqueness.

We know there are no set given rules or solutions or paths to take, only the ones that we create for our own special life path, purpose and special individuality.

We can gain a real sense now, of where and how, our future path to happiness lies.

It’s up to us to take responsibility and action (Mars- Saturn) and co-create the lives that we want, now.

The Sun in Leo wants to celebrate that there is only one special version of you. To be proud of who you are.

It’s time to take centre stage and shine!

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”- Mother Teresa

Photo:Veruschka von Lehndorff. Top model in the 1960`s.


Vivienne Micallef-Browne

6 Comments Add yours

  1. lisasands says:

    Wonderful news. I am ready for this new and wonderful phase of my life. Let’s rock.


    1. I agree wholeheartedly to that! ❤


  2. That speak to me.

    Jupiter is in my 7th house, and relationship hasn’t gone well since March.
    Hopefully the turning point with that Full moon 😉



  3. Ajit says:

    For how long this will be? I mean this positive change. Is it up to 2044? Or?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The major changes will happen from now up until the 3rd ecplise on the 16 september, with effects lasting a few weeks after that


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